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Conscientious Consumers: Fair Trade and the SDGs. World Fair Trade Day

7 May - 28 May 2019
Food Coop
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Food Coop

To celebrate World Fair Trade Day on May 11, three documentaries will be screened in the month of May. These films will show us global situations that reveal the consequences of the aggressive exploitation of natural resources, but we will also discover alternatives already being implemented in many places around the world.

Three film and debate sessions on responsible consumption and production (number 12 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs adopted by the United Nations in late 2015).

In order to achieve sustainable economic growth and development, it is imperative that we reduce our environmental footprint by changing the way we produce and consume goods and resources.

More and more citizens of Madrid are choosing goods and services that respect the rights of people and the planet, but a profound, cross-cutting structural change in consumer habits is still needed at every level of society.

The screenings will be followed by discussions moderated by the Madrid Development NGO Network and IDEAS Comercio Justo, with guest speakers who are experts on the chosen themes: food, textile industry and technology. Madrid’s development NGOs and organisations in the local social and sharing economy will tell us about sustainable consumption alternatives.

Organised by: Madrid Development NGO Network, IDEAS Comercio Justo and La Casa Encendida.

This series is part of the “Barrios por el Comercio Justo” [Neighbourhoods for Fair Trade] campaign, organised by the IDEAS cooperative with the support of Madrid City Council.

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