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"Women against Impunity" 2017

18 Apr - 13 Dec 2017

The struggle to make the world a fairer place for women has always needed spokespeople, leaders and ideas grounded in diverse experiences of a common fight against oppression and inequality.

In 2017 we will host the fourth edition of the "Women against Impunity" lecture series.

As in previous years, these lectures will reflect on the many different forms of gender-based violence and discrimination, which are merely the visible symptoms of a worldwide social disease. The very structure of the state is one of the pillars that upholds and perpetuates aggressions against women, often disguised as folk customs and traditions, and although many types of assault are formally penalised and prosecuted, in practice their perpetrators continue to enjoy tremendous social and legal impunity.

Strong, prominent social leaders—in academia, the arts, politics and every social movement working for the recognition of women's basic human rights—who engage in activism and stir others to action are essential if we hope to win the transnational war against impunity. And we must not forget that this is also a war against the worst enemies of women's individual and collective achievements: indifference and invisibility.

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