Generación 2017
Once again, La Casa Encendida is pleased to present an exhibition featuring the winners of Generaciones, a competition for artists under age thirty-five that evolves each year to showcase the latest projects on the young contemporary scene.
This year, a jury consisting of Tolo Cañellas, independent curator, Maribel López, Commercial Manager and Head of Curated Programmes at ARCOMadrid, and Laurence Sillars, Chief Curator at BALTIC (United Kingdom), reviewed the proposals submitted by 600 candidates and selected ten projects to receive a cash prize of 10,000 euros each. Today Generaciones has become a landmark initiative in the Spanish art community, and more than 15,000 artists have participated in the competition over the last sixteen years.
The ten winning artists and projects are as follows: Rosana Antolí (Alcoy, Alicante, 1981), F= P.e / 1; Fito Conesa (Cartagena, Murcia, 1980), Non Unísono; David Crespo (León, 1984), El Juego de la Hiena; June Crespo (Pamplona, 1982), S/H Fuerzas Felices; Diego Delas (Aranda de Duero, Burgos, 1983), 20000 toneladas de mármol; Carlos Fernández-Pello (Madrid, 1985), Marco de referencia. O tres modelos para apreciar el discurso como forma; Marian Garrido (Avilés, Asturias, 1984), Souvenirs of Future Nostalgia; Blanca Gracia (Madrid, 1989), Acmé en dos variaciones; Rubén Grilo (Lugo, 1981), Noone, Allness, and Lorenzo Sandoval (Madrid, 1980), Shadowwriting (Talbot/Babbage). The show, curated by Ignacio Cabrero, offers a panoramic overview of the youngest Spanish art scene.
The exhibition is accompanied by a bilingual Spanish/English catalogue featuring texts by various authors on each of the projects in the show.
Free guided tours
Saturdays and Sundays, 12 noon–2 pm and 5–8 pm