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Generación 2018

2 Feb - 15 Apr 2018
Serafín Álvarez
Serafín Álvarez
Levi Orta
Levi Orta
Lola Lasurt
Lola Lasurt

La Casa Encendida is pleased to present an exhibition featuring the winners of Generaciones, a Fundación Montemadrid competition for artists under age thirty-five which, year after year, showcases the latest projects on the young contemporary art scene.

On this occasion, the jury made up of Valentín Roma, director of La Virreina Centre la Imatge (Barcelona), Margarida Mendes, independent curator, and Bea Espejo, art critic and arts editor for Babelia (El País), evaluated the submissions of 500 candidates and selected ten winning art projects to receive a cash prize of 10,000 euros each. Over the years, Generaciones has become a landmark initiative in the Spanish art community, and more than 15,000 artists have participated in the competition in the last seventeen years.

The ten winning artists and projects for 2018 are as follows: Serafín Álvarez (León, 1985), Umbral [Threshold]; José Díaz (Madrid, 1981), El sueño de la M-30 [Dream of the M-30 Ring Road]; Antonio Gagliano (Córdoba, Argentina, 1982), Sistema Nacional de Innovación [National Innovation System]; Marco Godoy (Madrid, 1986), La ficción del poder [The Fiction of Power]; Irene Grau (Valencia, 1986), Ningún lugar en particular [Nowhere in Particular]; Antoni Hervàs (Barcelona, 1981), Autogruta [Self-Grotto]; Lola Lasurt (Barcelona, 1983), Duelo por la España negra [Mourning for Black Spain]; Elena Lavellés (Madrid, 1981), Dark Matter; Fran Meana (Avilés, Asturias, 1982), Starter Cultures; and Levi Orta (Havana, Cuba, 1984), El Heredero [The Heir]. The exhibition, curated by Ignacio Cabrero, will offer an overview of Spain’s freshest young contemporary art scene.

A bilingual Spanish/English catalogue has been published in connection with the show, featuring texts by Alex Alonso, Sofie Crabbé, Julián Cruz, Lucía Lijtmaer, Gretel Medina, Margarida Mendes, Marc Navarro, Julia Ramírez, Blanca de la Torre and Enrique Vila-Matas on each of the participating projects and artists.

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Generación 2018

2 Feb 9 - 19:45 h