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CLIMAVORE Agora Audiovisual Programme

Within the programming of

18 Nov - 19 Nov 2023
Barruntaremos, de Asunción Molinos Gordo.
Barruntaremos, de Asunción Molinos Gordo.

The recovery of ancestral and local practices is one of the alternatives to the progressive sterilisation of the planet’s soils.

Target audience: General public
Location: Torreón I

The Nomad Garden, Mohamed Salem Mohamed Ali. Western Sahara, 2022. 8’.

The Nomad Garden is an ode to the impossible. A young Sahrawi refugee shows how he has managed to grow vegetables in one of the most inhospitable places in the world in the face of water shortages, extreme temperatures and barren land.

Grass, Sand and Global Environmental Apparatuses, Cao Minghao and Chen Jianjun. China, 2022. 19’. Original soundtrack with Spanish subtitles

Recovery from desertification and degradation of grasslands is an ecological reality in the source-region of the river system. Herders use local wisdom about nature, combining traditional and modern technological methods, to restore the grasslands on which animals, plants and they themselves depend.

Barruntaremos, by Asunción Molinos. Spain, 2021. 9’ 38’’.

Barruntaremos [Forecasting] is a video that explores other ways of inhabiting the world and feeling the landscape through the voice and experiences of Pedro Sanz Moreno, a shepherd from the region of Segovia (Spain) with intimate knowledge of the “cabañuelas”, a traditional form of weather forecasting passed down from generation to generation and based on the ability to read the landscape and the surrounding natural elements. The film presents the elements that Pedro takes as a reference and which serve as milestones in his weather forecasts for the coming years.

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  • Curated by Cooking Sections.

    Organised by La Casa Encendida with the support of the Spanish Presidency of the European Union.

    Within the framework of the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council during the second half of 2023, Ágora Climávora [CLIMAVORE Agora] is part of the broad cultural programme of dissemination and reflection that brings citizens closer to the values, projects and current challenges of the European Union.

    If you want to attend the buffet with the speakers on Saturday the 18th, book and pay for your place here.

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CLIMAVORE Agora Audiovisual Programme

18 Nov 10 - 15:30 h