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Olho da Rua [Out Loud], by Jonathas de Andrade

10 Sep - 30 Oct 2022

The festival features the first showing in Spain of the video installation by the Brazilian artist who represented his country at the Venice Biennale this year. Olho da Rua and Arias. Nehanda open the ÍDEM Festival.

Made in two days at Praça do Hipódromo in Recife (Brazil), the film is made up of a cast of one hundred homeless people linked to public shelters and non-governmental initiatives to support the vulnerable population.

Situated at the boundary between fiction and non-fiction, Jonathas de Andrade leads us from a house to a public square, engaging his cast of non-professional actors in conversations about identity, community, food, class consciousness and visibility.

Divided into eight acts with a total running time of 25 minutes, Olho da Rua presents performance propositions in which the participants practise in front of the camera. Simple actions are presented, such as looking at and admiring oneself in a mirror, improvising an assembly, and turning the public square into a great stage. The film reflects how homeless people face the camera lens—in reality, the eye of the beholder—whether on the streets or on the movie screen.

The video installation examines the power dynamics rooted in colonialism and how these may be tied to whoever holds the camera. Using art and pedagogy tools, Jonathas de Andrade repositions the stories of marginalised people to foster ways to collectively rethink reality and imagine possible alternatives.

Olho da Rua is powerful testimony of contemporary Brazil, with its rich multiculturalism and structural inequalities.

As art researcher Bianca Stoppani explains, the piece is inspired by the techniques of Theatre of the Oppressed by playwright, actor and educator Augusto Boal. It could be defined as theatre practised by and for the oppressed classes in their struggle against the oppressive structures.

The video installation is accompanied by the hypnotic soundtrack of percussionist Homero Basílio, who uses instruments rooted in the north-eastern region of Brazil.

Olho da Rua premiered in Venice last April as part of the Penumbra exhibition.

The artist will run the workshop Fotopalabra: juegos, actos y gestos [PhotoWord: Games, Acts and Gestures] and present the video installation at an encounter with the public on Friday 30 September, at 7 pm.

Jonathas De Andrade (Maceió, Brazil, 1982) is a plastic artist who uses installation, photography and video to explore power dynamics and conflicts in Brazil, especially in the north-eastern region and in Recife, where he lives and works. He is primarily interested in the consequences of colonialism, slavery and cheap labour.


  • Script and direction: Jonathas de Andrade
  • Cast: Adamis Soares da Silva, Adriana Júlia Guerra da Silva, Adriano Leonardo dos Santos, Aécio da Costa, Aguinaldo Santos da Silva, Albino Cabral da Silva, Alessandro AR Santiago, Alice Maria Bernardes da Silva, Amaro Pedro da Silva Santos, Anderson Oliveira dos Santos, Angela Maria da Silva, Antônio Fernandes Dias, Ary Jerry, Bráulio Gomes de Oliveira Júnior, Brenda Close, Brian Barros de Oliveira, Carlos Alexandre de Lima, Carlos André F. da Silva, Carmelita Cebile Ribellino, Cibelle Gracielle da Silva, Cigana da Silva, Claudemiro José Batista, Daniel Lira de Carvalho, Daniel Menezes Costa, Djair José de Oliveira, Edilza da Silva Gomes, Edson André B. da Silva, Edson Policarpo da Silva, Elídio Flávio da Silva, Elizângela Maria dos S. Monteiro, Eric Henrique S. Silva, Evandro C. de A. Júnior, Everaldo José de Oliveira Everton Francisco Vieira, Fábio Rogridues de Souza, Fausto de Oliveira Gomes, Fávio César N. de Aquino, Fernando Mota de Lima, Gabriel da Silva, Wet Cat, Genildo Santos Silva, Hayk Ferreira Gonçalves, Heraldo Rocha G. da Silva, Isaías Cavalcante de Lima, Ivanildo Antônio Barbosa, Ivison Anacleto, Izabele Félix de Souza, Jailson José dos Santos, Jaison Batista da Silva, Jamesson T. da Silva, Jeferson Alves Ferreira, Jefferson Carneiro da Silva, João Aparecido Luciano, João Vitor Francisco da Silva, Jonatan Antônio da Silva, José Hebert dos S. Silva, José Inácio da S. Filho, José Medeiros da Silva, José Zildo R. do Nascimento, Josenildo do N. Ferreira, Luciano José da S. Santana, Luciano Soares dos Santos, Luciene Maria Torres, Luiz Alves Vera Cruz Neto, Luiz Carlos dos S. Silva, Márcio Favoreti de Souza, Márcio Moniz C. de Andrade, Marcone Alves da Silva, Maria Glimara da Silva, Maria Gomes da Silva, Mário José de Oliveira, Mario Santiago Amorim Júnior, Matheus Oliveira Souza, Moisés Ferreira da Silva, Nailton Leonardo Ferreira, Renê Araújo, Ricardo de Souza Barbosa, Robson da Silva Pessoa, Rosangela Soares Cardoso, Rosinete Nascimento Santana, Sidnei Martins dos Santos, Tarcísio Silva Pinheiro Vasconcelos, Thiago Augusto Aevedo, Vera Lúcia Conceição Santana, Vera Lúcia F. da Silva, Wagner Pereira G. dos Santos, Wanderson Felipe, Wilames Oliveira da Silva.
  • Creative producer: Leonardo Bigazzi
  • Executive producer: Juliana Soares
  • Director of photography: Gustavo Tijolinho Persona
  • Art production: Joana Claude Migeon
  • Editing: Fábio da Costa, Gustavo Campos
  • Direct sound: Joelton Ivson, Catharine Pimentel
  • Script consulting: Gustavo Campos
  • Film script consulting: Leticia Simões
  • Executive production consulting: João Vieira Jr
  • Assistant director: Jerônimo Lemos
  • Cast preparation: Clébia Sousa, André Marinho
  • Production management: Amanda Guimarães, Gabriela Alcântara
  • Casting producer: Ingrid Farias
  • Plateau: Anderson Villar
  • Plateau assistant: Wilkson Souza
  • Production: Victor Hugo Oliveira Santiago
  • Harm Reduction School: Cibelly Silva, Larissa Karla, Virgílio Vasconcelos
  • Sound design and mixing: Guga S Rocha
  • Soundtrack: Homero Basílio
  • Colour correction: Fábio da Costa
  • Graphic design: Priscila Gonzaga
  • Second camera unit: Tiago Calazans
  • Photography and still assistant: Vito Carvalho
  • Digital imaging technician: Victoria Drahomiro
  • Head of machinery and electricity: Milton Torres
  • Machinery and electricity assistant: Fernando Marinho, Bruno Miranda Ramos
  • Still: Emanuel da Costa
  • Costumes: Babi Jácome
  • Stagehand: Bryan
  • Cakes and animals: Cristiano Lenhardt
  • Drivers: Paulinho, Alessandro (Dinho), Severino Gomes
  • Catering: Armazém do Campo (MST)
  • Safety: Pitbull Seguridad Renta
  • Radio: Livre Acesso
  • Equipment: Cabra Quente
  • Commissioned and produced by: Fondazione In Between Art Film for the Penumbra exhibition
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Olho da Rua [Out Loud], by Jonathas de Andrade

10 Sep 8 - 20:30 h