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“Parsi” by Eduardo Williams with Mariano Blatt

Within the programming of

The Sound of Screens Imploding
28 Feb 2020
"Parsi", de Eduardo 'Teddy' Williams

Inauguration of the cycle dedicated to the Biennale de l’Image en Mouvement of the Centre d’Art Contemporain, Geneva, with biennial curator Andrea Lissoni and Eduardo Williams as special guests.

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

“Parsi” by Eduardo Williams with Mariano Blatt. Guinea-Bissau/Argentina/Switzerland, 2018. 20’

Shot with a 360 degree camera by young individuals within Bissau’s queer and trans community, Parsi take us on a nonstop journey driven by the rhythm of verses from Argentine poet Mariano Blatt’s poem “No es” (“It isn’t”), a cumulative list of what “seems to be but isn’t” that holds out endless possibilities. It is an audiovisual poem about cosmopolitanism, liquidity and uncertainty.

Eduardo Williams’ films explore a fluid mode of observation, looking for mutual relations and open adventures in a physical and virtual network. He believes that uncertainty can yield its own sources of beauty and forms of small-scale resistance through communal escape and shared complicity, so as to chart the rhythms of autonomy over automatism. Mariano Blatt is a poet and literary editor. Mi juventud unida (Mansalva, 2015) collects his poems from 2005 to 2015. He co-directs Blatt & Ríos, an independent publishing house.

Followed by a talk with Eduardo Williams and Andrea Lissoni

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“Parsi” by Eduardo Williams with Mariano Blatt

28 Feb 19 - 20:30 h