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Humus Film Fest 2023

22 March - 15 October

The Humus Film Fest is the first short film festival to be held in Spain on the theme "the garden and the city".

Vegetable exorcisms, a romantic musical between terraces, urban agriculture initiatives on the rooftops of Palestine, community composting experiences in the self-managed gardens of Paris, veganism in digital environments, black market dystopian futures with organic vegetables, documentaries of agricultural crops in tree pits urban gardens, underwater gardens in Albacete adapted to climate change... are some of the stories that have made us laugh, get excited, reflect or simply enjoy throughout the history of the festival.

A camera, a cell phone, an idea, a couple of friends, or solitude if you handle yourself better in the absence of humans, is all you need to tell a four and a half minute story that connects the orchard-city ecosystem through 5 categories:

  • Fantasy: This is the category for your sci-fi, horror, animated and futuristic stories. It's the place to tell tales not even you would believe, to attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... or not.
  • Art Film: Filmmakers, this one's for you. Here we will include shorts that explore the kitchen garden-city connection from a more personal perspective: the most poetic or surrealist visions of these inner-city oases. Yes, even if no one but you will understand the film, there's a spot for it here.
  • Comedy: This category is open to shorts with heavy doses of laughter, irony or humour. Anything from a musical to a story with hilarious dialogue à la Allen (as in Woody, not the Ikea hex key).
  • Documentary: The perfect opportunity for collectives, institutions or foundations to tell us about their urban agroecology projects.
  • Food Wave: This category is aimed at young people between 15 and 35 years old who want to tell us an agro-story about climate and food within the garden-city ecosystem.

Foodwave is an European project that aims to raise awareness to move towards a fairer and healthier food model that reduces the effects on climate change. The short films competing in this category will also adapt their scripts to one of these 4 genres: Fantasy, Art Film, Comedy and Documentary.

The 20 finalist shorts will be screened, and the prizes for each category will be presented. The audience will also award a prize to its favourite short.


The reception of short films will be from March 22 to October 15, 2023, at 00:00 h (Spanish peninsular time). To participate in the eigth Humus Film Festival, find the information and registration form on the Registration form button. Please, consult the Competition rules beforehand. Participating in the competition implies the acceptance of this competition rules.

Collaborating entity: Ayuntamiento de Madrid.

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  • Competition rules Humus Film Fest 2023 (pdf, 1 MB)

  • Bases de participación Humus Film Fest 2023 (pdf, 208.96 KB)

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