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Inéditos 2022

15 June - 9 September
We want to host your exhibition!

La Casa Encendida of Fundación Montemadrid is pleased to announce Inéditos 2022, the competition where young (35 and under) Spanish or foreign curators residing in Spain are invited to submit ideas for brand-new exhibition projects about any facet of contemporary artistic creation that stand out by virtue of their originality, quality and feasibility in light of available resources.

We’re offering two cash prizes of €3,000, plus a budget allocation of €25,000 for each project to produce the exhibitions at La Casa Encendida in 2022. We’ll also publish a catalogue with the winning projects.

The Inéditos competition has been organised annually since 2002 with the aim of giving new curators a professional boost. Over the last 21 years, it has become the leading showcase for young curators in Spain and one of the top programmes dedicated to supporting and promoting young artistic talent.

Participants in past editions of Inéditos include artists, researchers, educators, managers, cultural producers and independent curators who have since risen to national and international prominence, such as Juan Canela, Emma Brasó, Ángel Calvo Ulloa, Luisa Espino, Irina Mutt, Neme Arranz and Roberto Vidal.

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  • Bases de Inéditos 2022 (pdf, 115.09 KB)


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