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Calidoscópica, by Sonia Gómez

15 Sep 2024
Target audience: General public
Duration: 1 hour
Price: 5€ and 10€
Location: Patio

A performance involving music and dance about two women who meet and share their experiences of mental health, creativity and well-being.

Calidoscópica [Kaleidoscopic] is an invitation issued by dancer, performer and choreographer Sonia Gómez to Encarni Espallargas; a performance involving music and dance about a meeting between two women.

The show revolves around the lived experiences of the two performers, focusing in particular on their mental health, creativity and well-being. On stage, they build a narrative around intertwining themes, inviting us to imagine what life would be like with productive schizophrenia.

Calidoscópica explores the type of filter required to become visible and offers us a ringside seat of the potential implications of stigmatised insanity or mental disorder.

Encarni Espallargas (1967, Barcelona)

“I was born prematurely, a triplet. María José and Florentina Bienvenida died. I was the smallest. My name is Encarni, like my mother.

When I was ten years old, I lost the sight in my left eye.

For fourteen years I worked at a publishing house. I didn’t have a contract and I was poorly treated.

I have a mental disorder and am on medication.

I’m involved in different participatory initiatives, working groups and research teams that explore mental health problems, like Veus and the company La Trifulca dels Fútils.

I write and perform songs a cappella. I have a compilation called Con el corazón en las manos."

Sonia Gómez (1973, La Sénia, Tarragona) 

"Dancer, performer and choreographer. I studied contemporary dance and choreography at the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona and P.A.R.T.S in Brussels, Belgium. Since 2004 I’ve been creating projects on the theme of identity, but also the discovery of social falsehoods through art and of the falsehoods of art through the body and performance. I’ve shown my work in Spain, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France, Estonia, Portugal, UAE, Brazil, Mexico, Netherlands, China, Colombia, Chile, Czech Republic and Canada. 

2007 FAD Sebastià Gasch award. 2010 Most Innovative Show on Tour award for Experiencias con un desconocido, International Fair/Huesca. 2017 Delfí Colomer Special Mention award for A vore. 2018 Best Dance Show at Butaca Awards for A vore.

2022 Best Choreography at Butaca Awards for The black body, the blue mind and the fluorescent guts.

2022 Best Light Design for Anna Rovira at APDC Awards for The black body, the blue mind and the fluorescent guts."

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  • *Reduced admission for under 30s, seniors over 65 and the unemployed, upon presentation of proof.

    Show and artist information

    Performance: Sonia Gómez and Encarni Espallargas

    Stage set: Xesca Salvà and Sonia Gómez

    Lighting: Conchita Pons

    Production: elclimamola

    Boy: Edmond Beta

    Residencies in Barcelona in 2022, 2023 and 2024. CC.Fort Pienc, CC.Casa Orlandai, CC. Baró de Viver, El Graner, CC Barceloneta, Preview 2023, l’Altre Festival Internacional de Artes Escénicas and Salud Mental Barcelona. Première 2023 Festival TNT Terrassa.

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Calidoscópica, by Sonia Gómez

15 Sep 13 - 14 h