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‘Birds of America’ by Jacques Loeuille

Within the programming of

Pajareros 2021
5 Oct 2021
Duration: 2 hours
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Talks, Films
© John James Audubon
© John James Audubon

Awe-inspiring nature, enormous flocks of birds of every type... When the naturalist and artist John James Audubon arrived in the United States in the early 19th century, he found himself in a genuine Garden of Eden. But the Frenchman soon realised that this land was incredibly fragile.

Birds of America, directed by Jacques Loeuille. France, 2021. 83’. Météores Films. Original soundtrack with Spanish subtitles

Birds of America is filmmaker Jacques Loeuille’s love letter to the founding father of nature conservation. Audubon not only made a name for himself, but he also immortalised an astonishing number and variety of birds in his sophisticated paintings, full of colour, energy and drama. His pioneering work recorded the diversity of America's birds before they were banished from their homeland forever. Following the course of the River Mississippi, the documentary shows how much was lost in a relatively short period of time due to industrialisation, greed and indifference. Animals went extinct, Native Americans were persecuted, and landscapes were despoiled.

This American odyssey along the banks of the Mississippi tells a novel counter-history of politics in the United States from an environmental perspective.

Participants in the post-film discussion:

  • Gerardo Orellana, visual artist and Lecturer in Drawing at Rey Juan Carlos University
  • Diego Moreno, editor at Nórdica Libros
  • Ana Carricondo, coordinator of SEO/BirdLife conservation programmes

Moderated by Josefina Maestre, SEO/BirdLife

*Covid protocol:

  • The courtyard’s capacity has been reduced for this activity.
  • Fully sanitised headphones will be provided to listen to the speakers.
  • Please keep a distance of at least 1.5 metres between yourself and others at all times, even when queuing up at the entrance.
  • Please follow the instructions given by attendants and staff of La Casa Encendida when entering/exiting the space and taking your seat.
  • Face masks must be worn at all times.
  • Thank you for using the hand sanitiser at the entrance to the centre.

* La Casa Encendida, a safe space. Please read the health measures we have taken carefully before attending the event.

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‘Birds of America’ by Jacques Loeuille

5 Oct 17 - 19 h