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"Feminism will be anti-racist or won't be," by Angela Davis

Within the programming of

Women against Impunity 2018
25 Oct 2018
Marcos del Mazo
Marcos del Mazo

For decades, the feminist philosopher and activist Angela Davis has maintained a radical commitment to the movements around the world that strive for social justice and fight the different forms that discrimination adopts.

Duration: 2 hours

Angela Yvonne Davis has conducted extensive research into numerous topics related to race, gender and imprisonment. Her work is grounded in her own experience: at the beginning of the 1970s, she spent 18 months in prison after her name was included on the FBI's "Ten Most Wanted" list in the United States.

The importance of her role in the feminist movement and the black liberation movement, as well as the precedent she set for subsequent studies on intersectionality and her analysis of the political function of rape, among other topics, have provided the foundation and necessary impulse for many of the current critical trends in postcolonial and decolonial feminist studies.

Her radical interpretation of "collective action" is another underlying theme in her critical review of the fight against sexism, racism and other forms of discrimination: all individual actions must serve a wider purpose, since the only way to bring about change is to coordinate the orchestration of the socially oppressed sectors.

Angela Davis (Birmingham, Alabama, United States, 1944) is one of the leading references in the anti-racist, anti-prison and feminist struggle in the west. A professor emerita of the History of Consciousness and Feminist Studies at the University of California Santa Cruz, she has also taught at other establishments such as San Francisco State University, Mills College, UC Berkeley and Stanford. She is a founder of Critical Resistance, an organisation dedicated to completely dismantling the prison industrial complex in the United States, and she is a member of Sisters Inside, an abolitionist organisation based in Australia that supports women in prison. She is the author of ten books, including Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine and the Foundations of a Movement; Abolition Democracy; Are Prisons Obsolete?; the collection of essays entitled The Meaning of Freedom; and  Women Race and Class.

Coordinated by: Asociación de Mujeres de Guatemala AMG.

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"Feminism will be anti-racist or won't be," by Angela Davis

25 Oct 17 - 19 h