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"Freedom of Speech and Human Rights in Yemen" by Tawakkol Karman

Within the programming of

"Women against Impunity" 2017
28 Sep 2017
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
John Murphy
John Murphy

Political instability is a constant in Yemen. The high rate of corruption, limited freedom of the press and absence of an independent judiciary are just some of the factors that triggered the civilian uprisings which led to the fall of the Saleh regime in 2011. Tawakkol Karman is a Nobel Peace Prize winner, journalist, politician and human rights activist.

What has the Arab Spring become in Yemen? What are the repercussions of the conflict and ongoing humanitarian crisis for its citizens and neighbouring countries?

Tawakkol Karman (Yemen) is a Nobel Peace Prize winner, journalist, politician and human rights activist. An advocate of the role of women in building peace, she became the visible face of the Arab Spring in 2011 when she organised non-violent protests that significantly bolstered the civilian revolt against the dictatorship which had ruled the nation with an iron fist for 33 years.

That same year, her efforts were acknowledged with the concession of the Nobel Peace Prize, becoming the first Arab woman to receive this distinction.

Coordinated by: Association of Guatemalan Women.

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"Freedom of Speech and Human Rights in Yemen" by Tawakkol Karman

28 Sep 17 - 18:30 h