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La Pija y la Quinqui – LIVE

Within the programming of

Puwerty 2022
9 Sep 2022
Duration: 1 hour

While we wait for our next therapy session, La Pija y la Quinqui come to Puwerty to present a live chat in the Courtyard at La Casa Encendida.

La Pija y la Quinqui are the voice of a generation that has grown up watching Pretty Little Liars and listening to Amaral. If you want to get your head around concepts like manic pixie dream girls, bridge girls and the soft pale grunge aesthetic that's had teenagers hooked for the last decade, this podcast is for you. A space for reflecting with wry humour on romantic love, monogamy and other interpersonal relationships.

“La Pija” and “La Quinqui” are Carlos Peguer (@carlospeguer) and Mariang (@capulla.sixtina). They started the year 2022 with this podcast where, in the guise of two completely deranged girlfriends, they chat about life and current affairs. Formerly members of the Gen Playz team on RTVE, they are both screenwriters for the “Cuerpos Especiales” programme on Europa FM. Every Sunday they’re two chat-show girlfriends on the internet.

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La Pija y la Quinqui – LIVE

9 Sep 17 - 18 h