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Symposium: Choosing an Educational Model Is Choosing a Model of Citizenship

2 Feb 2019
Duration: 8 hours 30 minutes

Education makes people who they are, and in “being citizens” it’s a vital factor for deciding what kind of society we want. Ethics, justice, dignity, respect and decency should be the goals of our day-to-day activities. We have a duty to prepare young citizens to play a responsible leading role in their own history, making their voices heard in a context of civic friendship.

This symposium aspires to be a forum that brings prestigious figures in our society together to reflect on education, which is not the exclusive purview of politicians. Educational goals take on a new dimension, moving past the society of spectators, users and consumers to promote a brand of education that will produce responsible, engaged citizens. The aim is not to expand subjects, slogans or methodologies, but rather to ask questions, paying special attention to the voices of youth and setting new goals to make a real impact on the everyday routines of classrooms, families and the world around them.

The symposium will consist of several discussion panels featuring diverse professionals from the educational community, families, and social actors on the legal, cultural and gender fronts. These panellists will share their experiences and concerns as they outline a possible framework of citizenship-centred education.

Directed and coordinated by: Mónica Stilman, BA in Education, creator of the classroom activity “Let’s Talk Politics in Education” and the Aulas Creativas project, and author of children’s literature.

Target audience: the educational community: teachers, guidance counsellors, teacher training professionals, parents’ associations, and the general public: neighborhood associations, media, trade unions, social activists, etc.

  • Programme - 2 February

    • 10:30 am - Registration

    • 11 am - Symposium presentation

    • 11:10 am - “Choosing an Educational Model Is Choosing a Model of Citizenship”

      Mónica Stilman, BA in Education, writer and creator of the project

    • 11:50 am - First panel: Civic Friendship and Citizenship in Education

      • Education should be closely linked to ethics, and this responsibility must be shared by the family, the school, and the social and political spheres. We need an ethical education that allows students to identify with their civic selves, prioritising consistency in both word and deed.

      • “Education in the 21st Century”

      • Victoria Camps Cervera (recorded lecture), Spanish philosopher and university professor, permanent member of the Spanish Council of State and chair of the council’s Seventh Section since October 2018

      • “Learning as an Ethical Event”

      • Fernando Bárcena, PhD in Philosophy and Sciences of Education and professor of Philosophy of Education, Complutense University of Madrid

    • 1 pm - Second panel: The Educational Environment

      The school is the first “SOCIAL NETWORK”, a practical introductory experience to democracy with rights and obligations in a diverse setting. What influence do other social networks have? Which resources are vital for teaching young citizens to discern between falsehood and accuracy? How involved are parents today in these formative school processes?

      “The School as the First ‘Social Network’, Civic Friendship and Democracy: Is the Convergence of Classroom, Home and City Possible?”

      • Pedro González Felipe, clinical psychologist and guidance counsellor, former chair of the Navarre School Board and former Director-General of Vocational Training and Universities of Navarre

      • Ángel Serrano, Padre Piquer School (inclusive education and equal opportunity), coordinator of Jesuit vocational schools in Spain

      • Javier Bronchalo, Escuela Democrática. International projects: Dr Sugata Mitra’s School in the Cloud, INo Learning, Finnish start-up, and educational innovation projects at OTB Innova in Spain

      • María del Mar Medina Patarro, secretary of the parents’ association at Ponce de León School of Fundación Montemadrid

    • 2 pm - Lunch break

    • 3:45 pm - Third panel: The Social Environment

      Different forms of harassment, outbursts of racism, male chauvinism and other social conflicts are seeping into our classrooms. How can a consensus be reached among diverse social actors to promote a fair, caring educational project of respect and equality, a joint action in favour of peaceful coexistence and civic friendship?

      “How can we articulate a joint action with diverse social actors to reach a true consensus on education? The possibility of taking sides without factionalism”

      Recorded lecture: Daniel Innerarity, professor of Political and Social Philosophy, IKERBASQUE researcher at the University of the Basque Country, and director of Instituto de Gobernanza Democrática

      • Lydia Gómez Valverde, sociologist and social psychologist, psychoanalyst and coordinator of the Women's Studies Section of C.E.P.Y.P. – UNO. Gender violence projects

      • Concepción González del Real, magistrate of Juvenile Court no. 1 in Madrid, expert on child jurisdiction

      • Bettina Ingham, director of ExplorArte. Projects focused on developing creative skills to promote critical thinking and healthy social and emotional management. Expert on the implementation of the visual arts in education and healthcare

      • Elisa de la Nuez, general secretary of the “Hay Derecho” association

    • 5:10 pm - Fourth panel: Young People Weigh In

      In order to defend an idea, we must learn to provide convincing arguments while also listening to the opinions of others, an individually enriching debate in group form that leads to shared conclusions. If we want future citizens to be well-informed and capable of shouldering their responsibilities, we need a good educational project. What are the opinions and thoughts of the young people at Madrid’s Ponce de León School?

      “Young Citizens Take Centre Stage”

      Dialogue between a group of students from the Ponce de León School of Fundación Montemadrid, who will debate the topics that concern them.

  • Programme - 3 February 2019

    • Workshop: “Choosing an Educational Model Is Choosing a Model of Citizenship”

      Led by: Mónica Stilman

      Admission to the symposium is free on a first-come, first-served basis. The workshop has limited availability and advance registration is required, with a cost of 10 euros per person. All registered participants are required to attend the previous day’s symposium sessions (attendance will be taken).

With the collaboration of: Cooperativa Gredos San Diego

Special thanks to ISAAC ROMERO, rapper and student at CES Mar de Cristal, for his contribution to the symposium

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Symposium: Choosing an Educational Model Is Choosing a Model of Citizenship

2 Feb 9:30 - 18 h