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The Transformation Potential of Agroecology

21 Oct 2021
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Online, Talks

This session focuses on agroecology as an alternative to the current industrial food model. An approach aimed at looking at the world in a more sustainable and fairer way; a model for feeding humanity in a healthier manner, that respects the environment and cares for people, both producers and consumers. It will provide a positive, hopeful ending to the present cycle of meetings.

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes


  • Andrés Muñoz is in charge of Food Sovereignty at Friends of the Earth. For ten years he has worked as a specialist in Education in Human Rights and Children’s Rights in liaison with Spanish education centres.
  • Aina Calafat is in charge of international projects at the Sociedad Española de Agricultura Ecológica y Agroecología [Spanish Society of Ecological Agriculture and Agroecology] (SEAE).  A biologist and agricultural ecologist, for almost twenty years she worked as technical director at the Consell Balear de la Producció Agrària Ecològica [Balearic Council for Ecological Agrarian Production].
  • Margarita Hernández is a technician at the Instituto Canario de Calidad Agroalimentaria [Canary Islands Institute for Agricultural Food Quality] (ICCA) and the coordinator of the Ecocomedores [Ecoeaters] programme.
  • Raquel Ramírez represents El Colletero, an association created in Nalda (La Rioja) in 2000 with the aim of achieving sustainable development and equality in the village of Nalda while at the same time satisfying the needs of the population in that rural territory.

Moderator: Helena Cifre is a lawyer specialising in Environmental Law and an advanced technician in Natural Resources Management. She is the technical coordinator of the Sociedad Española de Agricultura Ecológica y Agroecología [Spanish Society of Ecological Agriculture and Agroecology] (SEAE). Helena Cifre is an ecofeminist and an expert in responsible consumption.

Organised by: the Green European Foundation (GEF), with the collaboration of the Fundación Transición Verde [Green Transition Foundation], La Casa Encendida and the Sociedad Española de Agricultura Ecológica y Agroecología [Spanish Society of Ecological Agriculture and Agroecology] (SEAE).

The event will take place in the Zoom room. Following registration, and before each session, attendees will be sent a confirmation email with details regarding access to the meeting.

*Spanish-English simultaneous interpreting will be available during the session.

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The Transformation Potential of Agroecology

21 Oct 15:30 - 17 h