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“Mistaken Identity”, de The Hilton Brothers

10 Jul - 30 Aug 2009
Foto: Rabut El Khoury
Foto: Rabut El Khoury
©Cristina Salinas
©Cristina Salinas
Foto: Zizuke
Foto: Zizuke

La Casa Encendida presents Mistaken Identity, the Hilton Brothers’ first solo show in Spain. Christopher Makos and Paul Soldberg are the components of this artistic duo whose fused, confused identity is probably an attempt to clarify and shed light on the complexity of the contemporary world.

The 65 works featured in this show include examples of their separate output as well as their collaborative efforts, drawing us into the Hilton Brothers' curious custom-built universe. Duality has always been present in their work: in their very make-up (two artists working as one), in diptychs like those of the Hippofolium and Andy Dandy series, and in the unique nature of their philosophy: life as art and art as a way of life, the banality of the merely beautiful and the profundity of beauty as a path to transcendence.

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“Mistaken Identity”, de The Hilton Brothers

10 Jul 15:30 - 15:30 h