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Avant-Garde Competition 2

Within the programming of

9 Jun 2019
Duration: 2 hours
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Films, Talks
Mal-Fekata, de Hasabie Kidanu
Mal-Fekata, de Hasabie Kidanu

Portraits of cities and landscapes that catch our attention and break our perception. Visual bursts which sometimes make improvised leaps and sometimes require a slower tempo. How to link one image with another to lend identity to a space? A possible answer may be found in this session conceived for wild, alert eyes.

Dream of a City, by Manfred Kirchheimer. United States. 39’

Mal-Fekata, by Hasabie Kidanu, United States. 6’

E-Ticket, by Simon Liu. Hong Kong. 13’

O Verde, by Luis Lechosa. Spain. 22'

Discussion after the screening with Luis Lechosa.

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Avant-Garde Competition 2

9 Jun 18 - 20 h